The Asset Management Program is in the early stages of implementation. The Program will facilitate the effective management of the Town’s diverse asset portfolios, overseeing asset inventory, maintenance, budgeting, and long-term planning. The Asset Management framework will be designed to optimize asset performance, reduce operating costs, and serve as a baseline for informed
decision-making to support the future sustainability of Didsbury’s assets.
Asset Management Policy
The Asset Management Policy is a high level document, outlining the objectives of both Council and Administrative in regards to Asset Management practices. It serves as a guiding framework for decision-making in relation to the development, coordination and control of asset-related activities.
The Asset Management Policy was approved at the September 28, 2021 Regular Council Meeting.
Policy: FIN 011-21 Asset Management
Asset Management Strategy
The Asset Management Strategy is a key tool for shaping the Asset Management Program, offering a practical roadmap that outlines the recommended steps for progressing the program over the next 5+ years.
The Asset Management Strategy was approved at the October 10, 2023 Regular Council Meeting.
2024 – 2028+ Asset Management Strategy
Asset Management Plans
Asset Management Plans will be developed for all asset classes and will be created in accordance with the framework established by the Asset Management Program. The Plans will contain comprehensive information including asset inventories, assessments of the current state of infrastructure, lifecycle management, and prioritization schedules that tie into budget recommendations.
As the Asset Management Program progresses, updates and publications of Asset Management Plans will occur following the endorsement of Council.
Open Spaces Asset Management Plan: The Open Spaces Asset Management Plan was endorsed at the June 14, 2022 Regular Council Meeting.