Planning File Circulations

The purpose of a File Circulation is to notify the public of any proposed Discretionary Use Development Permit Applications and Subdivision Applications.

By doing so, the public will have the opportunity to provide written comments in favour or opposed to the proposed Development or Subdivision.

You are encouraged to submit your comments in writing to Planning & Development prior to the file being scheduled for a Municipal Planning Commission Meeting.

If there are any current File Circulations in effect, they will appear below. If there is nothing below, there is no File Circulation currently in effect. 

Planning has received a newly proposed Area Structure and Administration is reviewing the document. The ASP has not yet been scheduled for Council, but is available for viewing below (click on the link).

Once a Public Hearing date has been scheduled for the ASP, notification will be provided.

If you have comments for administration's consideration, please have those comments to Tracey Connatty by April 4, 2025 4:30 p.m. email:

See the Roseridge Area Structure Plan HERE