Your Public Works Department strives to improve winter maintenance habits while minimizing the financial burden on taxpayers. The primary goal of Public Works is to provide for the safe and orderly movement of emergency equipment, vehicle traffic and pedestrians throughout the community during winter months, especially during storm periods. This is done by the sanding of intersections and roads on an as-needed basis. Snowplowing shall commence when an excess of 10cm (4 inches) has accumulated. Streets will be done in accordance with our Snow Plowing Priority Map. During and following storm events, the snow will be plowed into windrows at the edge of the roadway. Removal of snow windrows in the downtown core will occur during early morning hours on an as-needed" basis, but not after every storm. Piling the snow in the middle of the roadway creates a hazard to individuals trying to cross the roadway and to drivers attempting to turn into and pull out from parking spaces. When cleaning your walkway and parking area, please deposit the snow on your property.

Street sweeping usually begins in mid-April (weather dependent), and typically takes about three to four weeks to complete. Work may, of course, be delayed by cold or wet weather; parked vehicles; or excessive amounts of winter sand and debris.
- Eliminate Monday to Friday daytime parking on your street,if possible
- Safety is important for everyone, so please watch children carefully when the sweeper is on the roadway
- Please watch for signage indicating street sweeping in your area. Follow the Town of Didsbury on Facebook (@townofdidsbury) and Instagram (@townofdidsburyab) for regular updates!
Watch below an informative video on how potholes are formed and and develop over time.