The Town of Didsbury Economic Development Advisory Committee (DEDAC)
DEDAC was established by Council in 2020, and advises the Economic Development Officer, and at times Council, on Economic Development recommendations, existing and future strategies or ideas.
DEDAC members are informed about Economic Development initiatives and projects, for the purpose of feedback and to ensure that the community at large is informed. The Committee may assist with activities and connectivity to enhance economic development in Didsbury by creating awareness of business opportunities and promoting Economic Development initiatives, projects and visitation to Didsbury. Committee members ensure that businesses and newcomers to Didsbury are connected with the Economic Development Officer of the Town for assistance.
The meetings are held in a “think tank” format to exchange information, communicate feedback from the business community – for improvements and considerations, and to communicate ideas that are floating in the community.
In turn, our Economic Development Officer will share current and future projects for feedback and solution oriented discussions. Members of DEDAC assist with the flow of information and feedback related to Economic Development to and from Didsbury’s business community via the Economic Development Officer.
The DEDAC Committee discussion include topics related to:
- Business retention and expansion
- Business and investment attraction
- Business support tools and programs
- Community enhancements - economic development related
- Tourism
- Process improvements
- Business tools
This Committee meets as required, based on current/future project progression and/or review.
For details on the composition and terms of reference please click HERE to view the Didsbury Economic Advisory Committee Bylaw - #2022-13