The Town of Didsbury applied for grant funding from TD Bank's Friends of the Environment Foundation and was generously award the funds to bring a really exciting project to fruition!
Introducing, Didsbee Santuary!
In June, the Town of Didsbury welcomed two hives full of buzzing honey bees! Along with the arrival of the honey bees, we will be implementing an immersive ad educational experience for Didsburians to enjoy at Didsbury Memorial Park.
Did you know that bees pollinate over one-third of food we eat? Learn more about why bees are so important to our community and the planet at www.thebeeconservancy.org
Stay tuned to our Town of Didsbury social media channels and this webpage for exciting news coming soon regarding this amazzzzing initiative!
Thank you to TD's Friends of the Environment Foundation for generously allowing us to make this idea a reality!

Noxious species are species that landowners must control to prevent from spreading. These non-native species are already widely distributed in Alberta that have a significant economic or ecological impact and can spread easily from existing infestations onto adjoining properties. Relatively easily controlled in small numbers, they can become unmanageable if left uncontrolled and can have a significant impact when abundant.
For a list of noxious weeds & prohibited noxious weeds that can be found within Mountain View County and the Town of Didsbury, visit www.mountainviewcounty.com/agriculture-environment/weed-management
Open Spaces Asset Management Plan
Outdoor Spaces serve the community in its entirety. Parks, Playgrounds, and Pathways are community spaces that promote healthy lifestyles, attract tourism and investment, and foster a socially-coherent community.
In 2021, the Town of Didsbury received a grant from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (Federal Government) through the Municipal Asset Management Program (MAMP) to:
- Obtain accurate and detailed inventory listing for Outdoor Space assets
- Evaluate the condition of each asset within the inventory listing
- Assess the risk of failure of each asset within the inventory listing
- Prepare preventative maintenance and replacement plans for Open Space assets
The primary objectives of the Open Spaces Asset Management Plan are to maintain the current level of service that Outdoor Space assets provide, ensure the safety of all users of the Open Space assets, and establish fiscally responsible plans to maintain and replace Open Space assets accordingly.