The Town of Didsbury Cemetery is located at
1101 – 18 Street. This is at the south end of 18th Street off of 15th Avenue. The hours of operation at the Cemetery are 7:00 am to sunset daily. No animals are permitted within the Cemetery. The Town of Didsbury is responsible for keeping the plots in a well-maintained condition. The Town has historical records available for viewing by calling our Information line at 403-335-2030 and setting up an appointment with our front-end reception.
1101 – 18 Street. This is at the south end of 18th Street off of 15th Avenue. The hours of operation at the Cemetery are 7:00 am to sunset daily. No animals are permitted within the Cemetery. The Town of Didsbury is responsible for keeping the plots in a well-maintained condition. The Town has historical records available for viewing by calling our Information line at 403-335-2030 and setting up an appointment with our front-end reception.
Many people purchase (reserve) plots prior to their passing to make burial arrangements much easier for those left behind at the time of death. There are newer sections available to purchase standard-sized plots, cremains-sized plots, and niches in a columbarium (a columbarium contains urns above ground rather than buried). No reserved plot shall be sold, other than back to the Town of Didsbury, according to Cemetery Bylaw 05-13. A copy of the original receipt must be submitted as `Proof of Purchase`.
Arrangements for the opening and closing of all standard and cremains burial plots must be made with the Town Office. The office must also receive a Burial Permit before any burial takes place. Fees for opening and closing vary depending on the type of burial, the time of year, the day of the week, and the time of day.
A monument permit is required, as there are some restrictions on the location and size of monuments. This permit is contained within the Town of Didsbury Cemetery Bylaw 05-13. Maintenance of monuments is the responsibility of the family of the deceased.
The Town of Didsbury, through Bylaw, sets rates and fees for goods and services offered by the Town, including cemetery.
For excerpts from relevant bylaws, see here.
For excerpts from relevant bylaws, see here.
For any other information, please contact the Town Information Line at 403-335-2030