Didsbury Town Council
Back (L to R) Councillors Williams (former), Moore, McCoy (former), Windsor
Front (L to R) Deputy Mayor Engel, Mayor Hunter, Councillor Baswick
OUR VISION: The Place to Grow.
OUR MISSION: Creating The Place to Grow.
The Town of Didsbury Council fulfills the legislative function of the Town’s municipal government. Council is responsible for establishing corporate policy and direction for both the short and long term. Council also sets the strategic priorities for Town staff on an annual basis. Town Council consists of one Mayor and six Councillors, who are elected by the residents of Didsbury every four years.
Regular Council meetings are typically held the second and fourth Tuesday of each month, beginning at 6:00 p.m. Meetings are held in Council Chambers at the Town Office and are open to the public. The deadline for agenda item submission is 4:30 p.m. on the Tuesday of the week prior to the Council Meeting.
If you wish to contact any member of Council to discuss an issue important to you, please email
commrelations@didsbury.ca or call the Town Office at 403-335-3391.
COUNCIL REMUNERATION/Expense Claims and Professional Development
2023 Council Remuneration Summary
2022 Council Remuneration Summary
The Mayor is the Chief Elected Official of the municipality and has duties that encompass those of both Councillor and Chief Elected Official
Excerpts from Sections 153 and 154 of The Municipal Government Act
153 - Councillors have the following duties:(a) to consider the welfare and interests of the municipality as a whole and to bring to Council's attention to anything that would promote the welfare or interests of the municipality;
(b) to participate generally in developing and evaluating the policies and programs of the municipality;
(c) to participate in Council meetings and Council committee meetings and meetings of other bodies to which they are appointed by the Council;
(d) to obtain information about the operation or administration of the municipality from the Chief Administrative Officer or a person designated by the Chief Administrative Officer;
(e) to keep in confidence matters discussed in private at a Council or Council committee meeting until discussed at a meeting held in public;
(f) to perform any other duty or function imposed on Councillors by this or any other enactment or by the Council.
154 (1) A chief elected official, in addition to performing the duties of a Councillor, must:
(a) preside when in attendance at a Council meeting unless a bylaw provides that another Councillor or other person is to preside, and
(b) perform any other duty imposed on a chief elected official by this or any other enactment or bylaw.
(2) The chief elected official is a member of all Council committees and all bodies to which Council has the right to appoint members under this Act unless the Council provides otherwise.