Pedestrian Connectivity Plan

Town of Didsbury Pedestrian Connectivity Master Plan

Based on resident feedback over the past number of years, including input gathered from a recent strategic planning survey, pedestrian connectivity is important to our community. 

In 2022, the Town of Didsbury applied for the Active Transportation Fund grant and received up to $50,000 (100% of eligible expenditures) to fund a Pedestrian Connectivity Master Plan, which will map out a network of walkways to connect throughout town, and to address the rehabilitation and development needs of existing walkways. 

The Town of Didsbury Council approved the application at the April 12, 2022 Regular Council Meeting, and Council was notified at the July 12, 2022 Regular Council Meeting that the application was successful.

The purpose of this project is to gather input and develop a plan to provide more community space, grant universal accessibility for all users, create safe connections for youth to travel to schools and playgrounds, steer foot-traffic towards the downtown core and other surrounding businesses, and to direct traffic flow through the use of clear markings and signage. This plan will help to inform operational and capital funding during future budget processes.

A Request for Proposals (RFP) was issued on September 29, 2022 and numerous submissions were received by the October 28, 2022 closing date. The Town of Didsbury closely followed its Procurement of Goods and Services Policy. Additionally, based on the Grant Agreement with the Government of Canada, the Town of Didsbury is bound to competitive pricing. When the RFP period closed at the end of October, the Town followed the Procurement policy in selecting the successful bid, and entered into an agreement with Expedition Management Consulting Ltd. in late November.

What is Pedestrian Connectivity?

Pedestrian connectivity refers to connecting people to key assets in the community utilizing sidewalks, trails, pathways, crossings, and other areas designed for people to move themselves throughout Didsbury (e.g. walking, running, biking, rolling, skiing, etc.).

What is the purpose of the project?

The purpose of this project is to develop a master plan for pedestrian connectivity in Didsbury that will inform the Town’s operational and capital plans. The plan will provide guidance on the enhancement and maintenance of the community’s pedestrian network.


Who is undertaking the project?

The Town of Didsbury is conducting this study which is funded by the Government of Canada. The Town has engaged Expedition Management Consulting Ltd. to compile research and develop the report. 

Expedition Management Consulting Ltd. (Expedition) is the contracted consulting firm for the project. Expedition's team specializes in identifying community needs for public infrastructure. They are an Alberta firm with offices in Edmonton, Red Deer and Calgary.

The total contractor cost is fully covered by the grant the Town of Didsbury received from the Government of Canada.

Why is this project important? 

A pedestrian connectivity master plan can facilitate the development and maintenance of trails, walkways, and paths that are accessible, safe, promote active recreation choices, as well as support access to businesses and encourage growth. We want to hear from the community to ensure pedestrian connectivity happens in a way that meets the needs of residents, businesses, and community groups. We need your help to ensure we chart a path forward that benefits the entire community.  

Town of Didsbury Pedestrian Connectivity Master Plan

The plan was adopted by Council at the March 26, 2024 Regular Council Meeting. 

This plan can be found HERE  

Thank you!

This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada.

Infrastructure Canada—Investing in Canada Plan