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Taxes and Assessment

Property tax is calculated and billed annually using the property’s assessed value found on your property assessment notice and the
Council-approved property tax rate.  

The money raised from property taxes is critical to fund municipal services. These services include  policing and fire protection, infrastructure and roadways, recreation and community services, and  planning and economic development.  


Due to processing delay at the Alberta Land Titles Office, recent ownership and mailing address changes may not be  reflected on Assessment Notices and Tax Bills.  

If you are a new property owner and have not received your notice, please contact the Taxation department to obtain  a copy (email or phone 403-335-7724).  

Non-receipt of your property tax bill does not exempt you from late payment penalties. 

Key Dates  




Assessment Notices are mailed. If you have not received an assessment notice by the  first week of March, contact the Taxation department. 

60 days from Assessment  Notice date 

Assessment Complaint deadline 


Tax Notices are mailed. If you have not received a tax notice by the first week of June,  contact the Taxation department. 

June 30 

Property Taxes are due 

July 1 

5% Penalty on Current Unpaid Taxes 

September 1 

5% Penalty on Current Unpaid Taxes 

November 1 

5% Penalty on Current Unpaid Taxes 

January 1 

Any unpaid taxes become Arrears 

Last day of each month 

1.5% Penalty on Arrears