The goal of the Didsbury Out of School Care Association program (DOSCA) is to provide for the needs of growing children. We offer a high level of health and safety standards, a better than adequate child-staff ratio and a stimulating licensed program which provides for the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual needs of your child.
We strive, as you do, to encourage children to grow in self-respect, self-control, responsibility, and self-sufficiency.
DOSCA was established to provide children with a special kind of learning experience, developing the child's potential physically, socially, intellectually, and creatively.
We want our programs to be a fun, safe place for children to come when their parents cannot be with them. We believe that the best way for children to have these learning experiences is to incorporate social skills into our recreation planning to meet individual developmental needs
- DOSCA Coordinator: 403-335-7162.
- DOSCA Program Lines: 403-507-0714 and 403-586-0357 open during program hours listed below.
2024/2025 DOSCA Registration Packages are now available HERE
Please fill out the application form (from above registration package) and email it to: dosca@didsbury.ca
During the school year, DOSCA is open for Before and
After-School Care from 6:15 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. and
3:15 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. in the Ross Ford Elementary School in Didsbury. The doors are LOCKED, so your child will need to "tap" on the DOSCA Classroom window and the DOSCA staff will let your child in. In the afternoon, if your child is on the attendance list, the DOSCA staff will be expecting your child to arrive; therefore, they will inquire if your child does not show up. The DOSCA phone line is on and will be answered during the hours listed above.
After-School Care from 6:15 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. and
3:15 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. in the Ross Ford Elementary School in Didsbury. The doors are LOCKED, so your child will need to "tap" on the DOSCA Classroom window and the DOSCA staff will let your child in. In the afternoon, if your child is on the attendance list, the DOSCA staff will be expecting your child to arrive; therefore, they will inquire if your child does not show up. The DOSCA phone line is on and will be answered during the hours listed above.
COST: $9.00/hour/child

DOSCA is also open for non-instructional days from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room at the Didsbury Memorial Complex (other locations, such as the Didsbury Train Station, may be used on days where the Multi-Purpose Room is not available). During the full-day program, your child will do a variety of age-appropriate activities. Each full-day program consists of a two-hour fun swim in the aquatic centre, an afternoon skate on the leisure ice, movies, crafts, free play, and more! The DOSCA phone lines will be on and answered during the hours listed above, on no-school days and school breaks.
COST: $50/day/child